Sesungguhnya agama (yang benar dan diredai) di sisi Allah ialah islam dan orang-orang (Yahudi dan Nasrani) yang diberikan Kitab itu tidak berselisih (mengenai agama islam dan enggan menerimanya) melainkan setelah sampai kepada mereka pengetahuan yang sah tentang kebenarannya; (perselisihan itu pula) semata-mata kerana hasad dengki yang ada dalam kalangan mereka dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang kufur ingkar akan ayat-ayat keterangan Allah, maka sesungguhnya Allah Amat segera hitungan hisabNya. [Surah Ali Imraan: Ayat19]

Rakan Iban Muslim

19 April 2010

Volcano casts cloud over European economy

(CNN) -- The cloud of ash from an Iceland volcano is casting a shadow over the nascent economic recovery in Europe as the cancellation of flights in key markets entered its fifth day.
By the end of the day on Sunday, a total of 63,000 flights had been canceled in the four days since ash from a volcano under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in Iceland closed the airspace of a large swath of Europe, according to air traffic authority Eurocontrol. The air travel and freight disruptions are costing airlines at least $200 million a day and perhaps billions more to the affected economies, one industry group warned. (Full Story) Source:CNN